...An individual’s social world emerges from, and persists within, their sensory experiences.

We test hypotheses across biological levels:

How does perception shape social relationship formation and maintenance?
Does perception of social signals change over the course of relationship formation?

How do social experiences impact sensory systems?
Does manipulating sensory processing impact the formation of social relationships?

How are gene regulatory networks impacted by social vs sensory experiences?
How do socially modulated neuroendocrine and neuromodulatory systems impact genomic architecture?
Current Projects

Perception of Acoustic Fine Structure Across Contexts
Birds have an auditory temporal processing ability that far exceeds that of humans. This makes birds exceptionally good at discriminating acoustic fine structure (rapid modulations in the time waveform). Here we are testing how acoustic fine structure affects hearing in noisy environments, and whether it facilitates recognition of familiar conspecifics.
Key collaborators: RJ Dooling (Maryland), Karan Odom (Maryland), & Marcelo Araya-Salas (Costa Rica)

Social bonding impacts neurogenomic state of sensory cortices
To what extent are sensory circuits part of the 'social brain'? To test this, we are using neurogenomic approaches to characterize the impact of pair bonding on auditory circuits in zebra finches and chemosensory circuits in prairie voles.

Key collaborators: Ehren Bentz and Alexander Ophir (Cornell)

Neuroendocrine regulation of intra-pair vocal dynamics
Considering zebra finches are one of the most studied birds - especially with respect to the neuroscience of song and courtship - there remain profound gaps in our understanding of how partners communicate with each other. Here we study fundamental features of intra-pair vocal interactions (song and calls) and their neuroendocrine underpinnings.
Key collaborators: Mary Elson (Cornell) and Grace Smith-Vidaurre (coming soon to Michigan State)
Steroid-induced chromatin remodeling
Steroid receptors are master regulators of chromatin. Here we test the mechanism by which steroids interact with chromatin across diverse cell and tissue types. This work lays the foundation for understanding how steroid-induced chromatin remodeling may impact social phenotypes.
Key collaborators: Matthew Taves and Ben Sandkam (Cornell)